Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

onfaisal@gmail.com, Obama Will Not Finish His Second Term Because of This!


Obama Will Not Finish His Second Term Because of This!

Our Own Government And Secret Church Leaders Are Engaged
In A Massive Cover-Up…

Little Do You Know That Obama And The Leaders Of Our Church Have A Secret Sinister Pact…

==>Here is the Full Youtube Video

To hide from the public the most terrible warning encrypted inside our Holy Bible, The only prophecy that has remained obscured under thick veils to this day. Because according to the final chapters of the Bible - Obama will not finish his second term... 

He is the 44th and last President of the US. To hide from the public the most terrible warning encrypted inside our Holy Bible, The only prophecy that has remained obscured under thick veils to this day. Because according to the final chapters of the Bible - Obama will not finish his second term... He is the 44th and last President of the US. Because if this leaks out, It will cause panic among all faithful followers of the words of our Lord… 

Obama himself is unaware of the extent of the massacre that is to come.

==>Here is the Full Youtube Video

And That There Is Nothing Anyone Can Do To Prevent This From Happening.

This ancient prophecy is coded within the visions of 4 men… These Four Evangelists are John the Apostle, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel. They were chosen to give a very precise and terrifying warning of things to come in the end of times… This prophecy will fulfill the act of God, And the world as we know it will perish in flames. Therefore, before going any further I must warn you: What you are about to see is deeply disturbing… 

Because it will link current events to ancient Biblical prophecies, step by step. Once you discover the chilling evidence of the words of Our Lord coming true, There is no turning back! It is a REVELATION so powerful... 

When you see the biblical evidence that this great unavoidable ruination will come to reality, It will simply be impossible for you to go about your daily life like you used to… before knowing the TRUTH.


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