Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Thousands of Samurai Unite!

Faisal - wow. What a response.

I invited Leslie Rohde into the dojo to "go a few rounds" :) about this
"disavow" news from Google and look what happened.

There are now 2,685 of you Samurai registered for the webinar and
Leslie is reading through 1,376 of your questions - make him sweat!

Here's a sample:

  • Is SEO dead? Is it pointless?
  • How do we build quality back links? Is it even possible?
  • Where does social fit into the new SEO?
  • Is the disavow tool useful, how do we use it, and is it dangerous?
  • What is working now and what will work in the future?

Submit your own question here
and dial in early on Wednesday to help grill Leslie.

And one more thing … I'll make sure Leslie takes LIVE questions
at the end of our match so show up ready to stump the champ.

Talk Soon,


P.S. This event WILL max out so dial in early if you want to catch us
live, but if you don't make it, we'll make sure that all REGISTERED
attendees will get the replay. Register NOW so you don't miss it.

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit:

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