Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Why your Mom was wrong...

WOW - what a response!

Already 8,046 savvy marketers have snapped up their
free copy of Rich Schefren's latest FREE report - 'Profit Prophecy'.

If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, here are just 3 of the
COUNTLESS Gold Nuggets you're missing out on…
Gold Nugget #1 (Page 27)

"Your mom might have told you 'you can become anything you want
to be when you grow up' – but it was her job to say that.

My job is to tell you that you cannot be anything that you want.
There are some businesses that you'll totally kick butt in, and then
there are others that will end up feeling like a life sentence in Alcatraz..."

Gold Nugget #2 (Page 28)

"When you pick a business based on your interests rather than your
strengths, you are forcing yourself to work harder for less
(because you are forced to learn and earn at the same time)…"

Gold Nugget #3 (Page 24)

"Why on earth would you spend any more time looking for MORE to do?
You aren't even getting done all the stuff you already NEED to get done
– but most Internet marketers are on the lookout for the latest and
greatest "opportunity" to add to their list of stuff that isn't going to get done..."

And that's just a small sample of the 'Pure Gold' that's in this report
(I took over 7 PAGES of notes while reading Profit Prophecy!)

More successful online business owners credit Rich's FREE reports
for their success than any other course, seminar, or piece of software
that they have ever invested in...

- This report WILL change the lives of thousands of business owners
around the world.

To make sure you're one of them - Grab Your Copy Now.

Talk Soon,


P.S. This FREE report also includes a summary of the best ideas
from Rich's 7 previous reports. It's the closest thing I've seen to
a 'Cheat Sheet' to online success.

P.P.S. Did I mention it's FREE and there's NO opt-in required?

Don't wait - Click here to get your copy now



Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/tXlisruJ

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

[FREE eBOOK] Is Your Website Sucking Up Your Time but NOT Delivering Results?

This is a Game Changer…

Rich Schefren, just released a NEW free report that will change the way you approach your online business forever.

And the best part is it's completely FREE (You don't have to opt-in or anything)

Who's Rich Schefren?

Rich is known as "The Guru to the Gurus" and he has an amazing knack of predicting the future of online business.

He's also famous for his free reports that have influenced millions of entrepreneurs around the world - including the team here at Noble Samurai.

So if your website is sucking up all your time but NOT delivering the results you want - this is a MUST read report.

Inside, Rich reveals:

  • Why most online business owners struggle for years but make very little progress (The fact is - it's not your fault and Rich shows you why)
  • The 'mind virus' that has infected the Internet Marketing community and is preventing you from achieving the results you deserve.
  • How to BREAK FREE from the shackles of your online business, and finally create the lifestyle you really want.
  • PLUS: The ONE THING you need to do to secure top rankings, generate a flood of traffic and create an avalanche of sales in a post Penguin world.

So make sure you grab this eye-opening report while you still can.

It's completely FREE, and there's no opt-in required.

Just download the report and put Rich's ideas to work in your business immediately.

Talk soon,


P.S. It's worth mentioning that Rich's insights have been featured in media outlets around the globe including The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, FOX, and MSNBC...to name a few.

Now's your chance to be the first to read and act on Rich's latest strategies in his new report.

Download his free report right now.

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/8bydA4Qq

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

GREAT NEWS (and it gets better)...

If you haven't watched the Google Dissavow webinar yet, then you won't have heard about the bombshell Leslie dropped at the end of it.

Leslie revealed that in order to survive in a post Panda/Penguin world of SEO, you actually have to STOP "building" links - and then he proved it!

But that's not even the BEST PART...

For two days only (as a special favour to me) Leslie is re-opening the doors to his 12 week "Link Liberation 3" training course for you.

Inside this course Leslie walks you through step-by-step how to future proof your website in Google, WITHOUT ever needing to "build" another link.

Click Here To Get In Now - Before The Doors Close!

IMPORTANT: This training is only for people who take action, because you actually have to do stuff in order to get a result - but I'm sure you already new that.

Here's the course breakdown...

Link Liberation Pro 3 IS:

- 12 weeks of video instructions
- Proven post Panda
- Proven post Penguin
- Perfect for Beginners and Experts
- 12 Months of updates
- Lifetime access
- Q&A on all videos

Link Liberation Pro 3 is NOT about:

- Tricking Google
- Running hundreds of websites or
- Flipping websites on

PLUS you have absolutely no risk, because he's offering a 30 day Money Back Guarantee - NO JOKE!

Here's the link again - don't miss out on this insanely generous offer!

Join Link Liberation 3 NOW - Before The Doors Close

Talk soon,

P.S. Leslie will be closing the doors on Link Liberation 3 in just two days time. So to make sure you don't miss out, you need to act now.

PLUS if you join now you save a massive 61% OFF too!

Join Here



Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/T5f3ffR3

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

For the 7,785 who missed out - here's your webinar replay...

Leslie and I have been friends a long time and he out-did himself on this one!
If only GoToWebinar could handle 8000 spots … we would still have filled it!! :-)

But not to worry: Here's the replay
This is one recording you simply MUST listen to all the way through.

Here are just a few of the 484 comments:

  • "Great content - thank you" - Linda W.
  • "Fabulous presentation, Leslie!" - Donald C.
  • "Tks, great webinar." - Fred L.
  • "Bravo!"- Denene J.
  • "Thank you -- great content!!!" - Sharyn W.
  • "Thank you. Inspiring in so many ways." - Gil N.
  • "Great stuff" - Kim R.
  • "Thank you from the UK. Great Webinar.
     Will be signing up to Link Liberation." - Elaine J.

Here's the Slide Deck. It includes a great "checklist" of penalty types and what
to do about them.

And The Penguin Killing "Red Pen Test" from Dan Thies.

And check out Link Liberation 3 before the offer expires Saturday.
This is the very same course we use at Noble Samurai.

Wow. What a webinar!


P.S. Leslie did leave one thing out - the diagram of how Panda works. I held him to
task after the webinar and he's agreed to send it along tomorrow. He presented for
90 minutes and had 82! slides so I guess I'll give him that one mistake. This time. :-)

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/ZQT7UMRz

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Leslie "disavows" on disavow?

Well, not entirely, but when pressed on the point …
in a bit of warm up sparring before tonight's webinar
he did admit this:

"Ok, so it's not just a PR stunt.
It does help Google get a key piece of data
and there is one important use for web masters."

That's all I got before he slipped out of the headlock. :-)

Leslie did promise the full explanation is coming tonight plus:

  • a diagram of how Panda works so you avoid it and
  • a checklist to keep you out of most Penguin problems.

Now for the REAL problem … you won't all fit on the webinar!
But we will make sure everyone that is registered gets access
to the replay the moment it is ready.

This is such an important topic that both our team and Leslie's team
will be recording to make sure you don't miss out.

Register now so we can send you the replay right away, dial in
early so you can get a seat, witness the spectacle live and get your
questions answered at the end.

See you on the webinar!


P.S. Here's that link again:

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/jBdWckSj

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Thousands of Samurai Unite!

Faisal - wow. What a response.

I invited Leslie Rohde into the dojo to "go a few rounds" :) about this
"disavow" news from Google and look what happened.

There are now 2,685 of you Samurai registered for the webinar and
Leslie is reading through 1,376 of your questions - make him sweat!

Here's a sample:

  • Is SEO dead? Is it pointless?
  • How do we build quality back links? Is it even possible?
  • Where does social fit into the new SEO?
  • Is the disavow tool useful, how do we use it, and is it dangerous?
  • What is working now and what will work in the future?

Submit your own question here
and dial in early on Wednesday to help grill Leslie.

And one more thing … I'll make sure Leslie takes LIVE questions
at the end of our match so show up ready to stump the champ.

Talk Soon,


P.S. This event WILL max out so dial in early if you want to catch us
live, but if you don't make it, we'll make sure that all REGISTERED
attendees will get the replay. Register NOW so you don't miss it.

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/hPhF0dWr

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Google Disavow WEBINAR this Wed, lets get ready to rumble...

Hi Faisal

As it turns out the "disavow post" I wrote on friday has caused quite a stir (already 532 comments and counting). Thanks for all your questions and comments. If you haven't read it, go here.

I even got an email from a long time friend and SEO pioneer - Leslie Rohde. He thinks I'm wrong! The nerve of some guys. :-)

We talked over the weekend and he tells me he thinks the disavow tool is a PR STUNT by Google!

He reckons it isn't about Penguin at all (it's Panda), that Google doesn't need the disavow tool because they already have algorithms that detect link spam, and that it's not actually possible to use disavow against your competitors...

That just sounds crazy to me, but could Leslie be right? Well we're about to find out because I invited Leslie into the Dojo this week for a bit of sparring!

Register For This LIVE Q&A Webinar With Leslie Here

This is a LIVE, unscripted webinar event THIS Wednesday the 24th of October at 8PM US Eastern Standard Time (just two days from now).

Leslie is the guy who invented two-thirds of what we use in modern SEO today, however GET THIS — He hasn't be using these methods for years! (He'll reveal what he's doing now on the webinar)

Leslie "CLAIMS" that he can show us not only which of Google's algorithms attack which kind of spam, AND how to respond to it, but ALSO a process to get out of trouble now, and stay out of trouble in the future. That's a pretty bold statement!

If you have any questions you want answered, get them in quick here so we can grill Leslie for the answers.

With over 436,462 internet marketers like you receiving this email, and only 1,000 seats available, this webinar will fill up FAST!

Register For This LIVE Webinar Here

Talk Soon,


P.S. Remember, with over 436,462 people like you craving answers, and only 1000 seats available, you need to claim your seat while you still can. Don't miss out!

Register For This LIVE Webinar Here
(It's this Wednesday night 8PM US Eastern Standard Time) 

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/eZPGC4qB

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Yesterday Google Unleashed New "Disavow" Tool - 3 Things You Need To Do Right Now

Hi Faisal

Yesterday Google dealt (what could be) the final devastating blow which brings SEO (and link-building) as we know it to its knees - the release of their much anticipated "Disavow Links" tool in Google Webmaster Tools...

I've just published a blog post for you that reveals what you need to do TODAY to protect your website, your rankings, and your income from becoming a casualty of the SEO apocalypse that's about to come.

If you have a website, and you have links that point to your website, then you need to read this now.

This announcement by Google is perhaps the most significant upset in SEO history. It makes Google's Penguin update look like a storm in a tea cup!

Read The Blog Post Here

Speak soon,


P.S. In my blog post I explain the 3 critical things you absolutely must do TODAY before the full effect of this link tool wipes out your online business...

Read The Blog Post Here

Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: https://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/ExQKvN8Y

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Domain Expired Notification: gestationaldiabetestest.net(Expired On:10/4/2012 11:41:00 PM)

Domain Expiry Notice for gestationaldiabetestest.net
Date: 10/4/2012 12:43:41 AM
Reactivate your domains today!

Dear faisal,

This notice is to inform you that one of your domains has expired.
Please act fast and reactivate the domain as soon as possible. You will
find this domain under Reactivate Domains option in the left side menu
of your Namecheap account. If you do not reactivate your domain,
it will be deleted and will become available to the public after
the redemption period.

Details of the domain are provided below.

Domain Name : gestationaldiabetestest.net
Registered on : 10/4/2011 11:41:00 PM
Registered for : 1 year(s)
Expired on : 10/4/2012 11:41:00 PM

Click the following link to reactivate

If you wish to reactivate directly from Namecheap.com, please login to
your account and go to Manage Domains > Reactivate Domains (left side menu)
and select the domain you wish to reactivate from the list.

Currently, e-mail forwarding, URL forwarding and other services are disabled
for this domain. They will be enabled when you reactivate the domain.

Should you have any questions or concerns,
please contact us at https://support.namecheap.com/

Namecheap Team


Domain Renewal Notice: gestationaldiabetestest.net(Expires On:10/4/2012 12:00:00 AM)

Domain Renewal Notice for gestationaldiabetestest.net
Date: 10/3/2012
Renew your domains today!

Dear faisal,

This notice is to inform you that one of your domains is expiring
soon. Please act fast and renew the domain as soon as possible. If you
do not renew your domain, it will expire and no longer be active, and all your settings as well as nameservers will stop functioning.

Details of the domain are provided below.

Domain Name : gestationaldiabetestest.net
Registered on : 10/4/2011
Registered for : 1 year(s)
Expires on : 10/4/2012
Days to Expire : 1

Click the following link to renew


Letting the domain expire will disable all e-mail forwarding,
URL forwarding, hosting and other services. The domain can be
renewed for as little as one year. Renew now - don't lose your domain!

For more assistance, please see our video tutorial entitled
"How to renew your domain" at

Should you have any questions or concerns,
please contact us at https://support.namecheap.com/

Note: In order to renew .DE and .EU domains you should enable
Auto Renew option. Automatic renewal will be processed 30 days prior
to expiration provided that there are funds available on the account.
The domain will be renewed for one year. Due to registry restrictions,
manual renewal/reactivation of .EU and .DE domains is not possible.

You also might want to check out Namecheap.com for additional services for your domain, such as SSL certificates to secure your website as well as WhoisGuard to protect your domain's whois information. Also, have you had a chance to look at our web hosting plans yet?

Namecheap Team

NOTE: This is a 1 day notice for renewal

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

WhoisGuard Renewal Notice

WhoisGuard renewal notice
Date: 10/2/2012

Dear faisal,

This notice is to inform you that one of your WhoisGuard subscriptions is expiring soon. Please act fast and renew your WhoisGuard subscription as soon as possible.

The details of the subscription are provided below.

WhoisGuard Status : Currently Protecting gestationaldiabetestest.net
Registered on : 10/5/2011 2:38:43 AM
Registered for : 1 year(s)
Expires on : 10/5/2012 2:38:43 AM

Click the following link to renew your WhoisGuard

Allowing WhoisGuard to expire will disable the Whois Contact protection feature of your domain and make your contact information public. Protect your privacy and renew today!

Please be sure to renew any domain names on Namecheap that may also be close to expiration so that there is no interruption of service.

Namecheap Team

NOTE: You can renew the WhoisGuard subscription even if it is not allotted to any of your domains. You can use your unused WhoisGuard subscriptions to extend the protection of an already protected domain.

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Domain Renewal Notice: gestationaldiabetestest.net(Expires On:10/4/2012 12:00:00 AM)

Domain Renewal Notice for gestationaldiabetestest.net
Date: 10/1/2012
Renew your domains today!

Dear faisal,

This notice is to inform you that one of your domains is expiring
soon. Please act fast and renew the domain as soon as possible. If you
do not renew your domain, it will expire and no longer be active, and all your settings as well as nameservers will stop functioning.

Details of the domain are provided below.

Domain Name : gestationaldiabetestest.net
Registered on : 10/4/2011
Registered for : 1 year(s)
Expires on : 10/4/2012
Days to Expire : 3

Click the following link to renew


Letting the domain expire will disable all e-mail forwarding,
URL forwarding, hosting and other services. The domain can be
renewed for as little as one year. Renew now - don't lose your domain!

For more assistance, please see our video tutorial entitled
"How to renew your domain" at

Should you have any questions or concerns,
please contact us at https://support.namecheap.com/

Note: In order to renew .DE and .EU domains you should enable
Auto Renew option. Automatic renewal will be processed 30 days prior
to expiration provided that there are funds available on the account.
The domain will be renewed for one year. Due to registry restrictions,
manual renewal/reactivation of .EU and .DE domains is not possible.

You also might want to check out Namecheap.com for additional services for your domain, such as SSL certificates to secure your website as well as WhoisGuard to protect your domain's whois information. Also, have you had a chance to look at our web hosting plans yet?

Namecheap Team

NOTE: This is a 3 day notice for renewal