Jumat, 25 November 2011

[Final Notice] Don't Miss This Swipe & Deploy Outsourcing Library

Hey Faisal
If you're thinking about Outsourcing, we can't recommend this course highly enough - and it closes in a few hours!
Here's the bottom line:
1. The days of the one-man business are over
2. To really succeed online you need the power of a TEAM
3. Pete & Dave's Outsourcing course is the best grab-bag of swipe and deploy systems, processes and tools we've ever seen
4. The $1350 discount is ONLY available to the Samurai community
5. The guys videos in our recent blog series got some of the best comments we've ever had, and that was just a taste...
6. This exclusive opportunity is CLOSING in a few hours
To grab your copy before the doors close, visit:
If you want more control, leverage and freedom in your online business - this might be the missing piece for you. One thing is for sure though, these strategies will make you more money.
Don't miss this one, cause I guarantee you'll kick yourself if you do.
Talk Soon,
p.s. It took us months to make this amazing offer happen for Market Samurai users; so don't waste it. Grab your copy now before it's gone!

Noble Samurai, Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Victoria 3131, AUSTRALIA

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Namecheap News and $0.99 Domain Deals!

Namecheap - Newsletter
$0.99 deals, improved search history

Hi faisal,

Well, it's almost the end of November, and that means the holiday season is about to start! To celebrate with all of our customers, we've included some amazing deals as well as some information on our domain search enhancements - Read on:

$0.99 com/net/org/biz Registrations and Transfers with our Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals!

Namecheap is offering deals throughout the holiday weekend, starting on November 25th and running through November 28th. Click on this special Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals Page link to visit the page and see what we're offering! We're including several offers for $0.99 com/net/org/biz registrations and transfers, so don't miss out.

Namecheap Hosting is also offering 50% off ALL Hosting Plans (including VPS) with coupon code below!

Improved Domain Search Functions

Our improved Domain Search Tool has launched, and we listened to your feedback. Many of our customers missed our 'search history' function, so now you can see the domains you've searched for during a particular session, as well as 'shortlist' certain domains during a session and come back to the list later. Finally, we've added premium domain search for more choice of keywords in the .com space. Check out the improvements and let us know your thoughts.

Namecheap Adds IDN Support for .COM and .NET

We now support search and registration of .com and .net internationalized domain names directly on Namecheap.com. Our system is able to accept a domain in punycode and in native languages and automatically converts it. In the shopping cart, you can now select the language of your domain. Enjoy your IDNs!

Holiday Weekend Hosting Deal for November

Enjoy 50% off ALL hosting plans (anything from standard web hosting to VPS!) from November 25th to November 28th with coupon THX2U.

Spotlight on Steve, Director of IT

I was fortunate enough to join the Namecheap team in July of this year, and have been busy behind the scenes analyzing our systems and infrastructure. Within the last quarter of the year, we have been busy investing in new architecture and backend systems that will provide further redundancy, additional performance, scalability and protection from the unexpected. These are all key areas for our customers, and I strive to ensure that our systems are always available for you when you need them. Happy Holidays and all the best!

Domain Coupon Codes

If you didn't take advantage of our Black Friday / Cyber Monday domain offers above, try coupon COLDGOLD for discounts on com/net/org/biz registrations and transfers.

Trivia is Back!

To celebrate the winter holidays, we're having our annual Twitter holiday trivia contest! Prizes and details will be announced soon on our contest page and via social media, so check back often and let's get playing soon!

Support is Only a Click Away

We're always working to give you the best user experience, be it on Facebook, Twitter, or via our Live Chat which operates 24/7/365. Should you need anything at all, do not hesitate to contact us! We're here to help!

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If you have issues with unsubscribing, please contact us support@namecheap.com
Namecheap, Inc, 11400 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90064, USA.

Senin, 21 November 2011

[Must Read] A Noble Samurai Exclusive

Hi Faisal
Building on the 'Outsourcing' series we've recently posted, I wanted to share something with you.
You know the Noble Samurai team and I rarely recommend courses... in fact, you can count on a couple of fingers the courses we have recommended to our list over the years.
But we've negotiated on your behalf to get you exclusive access to something amazing - you have to see this for yourself here:
We've convinced Pete & Dave to release the digital recordings of a closed door workshop they ran which Anthony, myself and a number of other marketers attended. 
I have not seen anything like this before and we're keen for you to check it out. Using the size of our community as leverage, we've got you an exclusive on the digital recordings at a no-brainer price.
This is a superb course and I'm confident you're going to love it. Take our word for it, both myself and the rest of the team at Noble Samurai highly recommend it.
Find out more about it here:
Ben Stickland
Ps. Remember this is a Market Samurai exclusive - these digital recordings have never been made available and, at this price, we have been given a deadline. The offer closes this Friday 25th November at Midnight US Pacific Time.

Noble Samurai, Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Victoria 3131, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Your Google Analytics account is being updated.

Google Analytics
Dear Google Analytics user,

We’re excited to share that the new version of Google Analytics will soon be activated in your account. In addition to a redesigned interface that makes it even easier to explore your data, you’ll also notice some significant new features. Here are a few of our favorites.

Google Analytics Real-Time
Real-Time reporting shows you what’s happening on your site - right now! The reports are updated continuously and each pageview is reported seconds after it occurs on your site. You’ll find Real-Time reports in the ‘Home’ tab.

Multi-Channel Funnels
See which channels your customers interacted with during the 30 days prior to converting or purchasing. Conversion path data includes interactions with many media channels, including clicks from paid and organic searches, affiliates, social networks, and display ads.
Video demo & Usage guide

Mobile Reporting
More and more, visitors are using mobile devices to browse the web. Mobile reports in the new version of Google Analytics help you understand how mobile visitors are interacting with your site. You can even see which mobile devices your visitors use and optimize for those devices.
Flow Visualization
Flow Visualization is a beautifully designed and highly sophisticated tool for graphically showing how visitors navigate through your site. We've completely re-imagined and redesigned the navigation tools available in the old version of Google Analytics.

Video demo & Usage guides for Visitor Flow, Goal Flow

Over the next few weeks as we make Google Analytics v5 the default for all users, we are simultaneously rolling out the report email scheduler and PDF export.

Need to check something in the old version?
We think you’ll enjoy all the features of the new version but if you need to refer to the old version, there is a safety latch.  Look in the top right corner of Google Analytics and you’ll see a link for Old Version. Switch back and forth as much as you need, but keep in mind, that the old version will only be available until early next year.

Want help adjusting to the new version?
The Google Analytics Help Center is up to date on all the step by step of how to navigate Analytics using the new version. We have also been running a series on the Google Analytics blog that explores many of the changes and new features. And, there is a section of the Google Analytics Help Forum where you can ask questions and discuss the new version.

To stay up to date on new features, make sure you opt-in to receive Newsletters in your Google Analytics account settings. We’re excited to bring you this new, state-of-the-art Google Analytics.

Happy Analyzing,
the Google Analytics Team
© 2011 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Analytics product or account.

Rabu, 16 November 2011

[NEW VIDEO] Perhaps The Best Presentation I've Ever Seen

Hi Faisal
If you haven't been watching our FREE series 'Outsourcing Made Easy' then you're missing out!
In Video #1, Dave Jenyns revealed his 'George Foreman Method' - a proven 7 step process for building a high quality outsourcing team.
Here's what a few people who watched the video have had to say:
"This is one of the best online marketing videos I've seen in a long time!" - Tony
"My hand cramped up trying to write down all the tips and techniques you suggest. Can't wait for part two." - Bill
"Great Video. Well presented with some absolute gold info!!" - Johnny
"Awesome stuff. My head is spinning." - Darren
Today in Video #2, Pete Williams is going to reveal his mind-blowing 'Content Leverage System'. 
To see why Pete's presentation got the ONLY standing ovation at Ed Dale's recent seminar, check out the video here:
You'll discover a system to get more links, more traffic and also position yourself as a market leader in as little as 30 minutes a day.
Here's that link again:
Talk Soon,
p.s. If you've ever wanted to create stunning videos, powerful podcasts, and top quality articles but struggle to find the time, then you really do not want to miss this. 

Noble Samurai, Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Victoria 3131, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Senin, 14 November 2011

How to Eliminate the Biggest Bottleneck in Your Online Business

Hi Faisal

Are you sick and tired of feeling 'under the pump' trying to get things done in your online business?

You know what it's like - with keyword research, content creation, article marketing, and now social media, it's almost impossible to do everything yourself.

That's why today we're kicking off a brand new Video Series that reveals the RIGHT WAY to do Outsourcing.

When done correctly, outsourcing can help you get more done, with far less work, so you can take your business to the next level - Fast.

You're guaranteed to get some gold nuggets out of this free blog series, and the first video is ready for you right here:


Talk soon,


P.S. If you want to know the secret of how to work ON your business rather than IN your business, you need to watch this now http://noblesamurai.com/c/OutsourcingMadeEasy

Noble Samurai, Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Victoria 3131, AUSTRALIA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Minggu, 13 November 2011


Semangka Sebanding dengan Viagra ?
November 13, 2011 at 11:32 PM
Fakta terbaru mengenai buah semangka, (maksudnya saya baru tahu kemarin he…) yang dilakukan oleh Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Centre di Universitas Texas Amerika sana bahwa ternyata di dalam buah semangka mengandung citrulline yaitu sejenis zat asam amino yang dapat membuat pembuluh darah rileks dan melebar. Kandungan di dalamnya juga ternyata lebih banyak dari pada Viagra, obat perangsang yang sementara ini diyakini sebagai penaik libido para pria dan perangsang ereksi (penguat tegangan…kaya listrik saja yach…) Efek inilah yang diungkapkan oleh para peneliti tersebut pada keduanya, ada kesamaan. Jadi…makan semangka sama artinya dengan minum sebutir Viagra, atau sebalknya? Ya..begitulah kira-kira.

Fakta lama yang sedang diyakini beberapa kalangan di barat sana Viagra sementara ini adalah salah satu penolong bagi pria yang menderita disfungsi ereksi, lemah syahwat, gangguan seks (atau apalah namanya, yang penting enak didengar). Lah…kalo sudah pada tahu ada kasiat yang sama dari bahan yang lebih alami kenapa nggak disubstitusikan (maksudnya ganti makan yang ini).

Kalau Viagra diyakini bisa menyembuhkan disfungsi ereksi, itu sama artinya dengan semangka juga memiliki fungsi yang sama dong? Nah ini dia yang masih menjadi tanda tanya dan hingga tulisan ini dimuat mereka masih pada meneliti…he. 

Kata Bhimu Patil seorang doctor di universitas tersebut, bahwa dalam 10 butir buah semangka mengandung 150mg citruline. Lalu berapa banyak semangka yang dibutuhkan agar khasiatnya sama dan setara dengan khasiat Viagra? Sabar…masih perlu saya tanyakan lagi apakah penelitiannya sudah selesai mengenai hal ini. 

Namun demikian terlepas dari kasiat yang menggembirakan bagi sebagian kaum pria ini, buah semangka ternyata segar juga dinikmati pada saat panas terik siang hari. Di samping buahnya segar, mengandung banyak air, juga mengandung zat kalium yang dapat menetralkan tekanan darah.

Kasiat yang lain adalah memperkuat kerja jantung dan memperkuat system pertahanan tubuh dan antioksidan serta vitamin A dan C. Ada juga zat karotenoid yang bermanfaat untuk melawan penyakit kanker. Bagi yang mempunyai kadar kolesterol tinggi, buah ini sangat baik untuk Anda konsumsi setiap hari. Juga bagi yang ingin matanya terlihat indah silakan tak ragu mencobanya.

Kesimpulannya tergantung pada Anda, pilih semangka atau Viagra? Pilih alami atau suplemen (baca: obat) buat disfungsi ereksi Anda (eh…bukan Anda lo…) Kalau saya jelas pilih sehat, masih bisa… dan suka akan semangka. Hidup semangka…(adi)

Hati-hati Makan Seafood
November 13, 2011 at 10:40 PM
Ada apa dengan seafood? Loh koq mirip judul film saja. Makanan dari binatang yang berasal dari laut atau turunannya (sungai danau dan habitat air) Makanan laut atau biasa disebut sebagai seafood atau kalau orang Jawa bilang makanan loh, adalah jenis makanan olahan yang bahan bakunya dari laut (pastinya). Semisal ikan, kerang, dan sejenisnya.

Sudah sejak dulu manusia mengenal makanan dari jenis seafood ini karena di samping rasanya yang lezat ternyata juga dipercaya mempunya kandungan lain selain gizi yaitu menambah stamina. Kebiasaan makan orang-orang Jepang bahwa makanan dari laut seringkali tanpa harus dimasak ketika menikmatinya membuktikan salah satu indikasi bahwa makanan jenis ini memang sudah lezat dari sononya.
Allah telah menciptakan bahan baku ini lezat tanpa perlu dibumbui. Dalam Al Quran juga dijelaskan bahwa bahwa satu-satunya bangkai yang boleh dimakan adalah bangkai dari jenis binatang laut. Ya…dari jenis seafood ini. Enak…kan? Namun demikian apabila Anda berkenan memasak jenis makanan laut ini dengan aneka bumbu dan selera daerah Anda tentu akan meningkatkan hasrat Anda untuk menambah lagi sendokan nasi Anda.

Sebut saja daging hiu, daging dari kerang atau srimping, kepiting atau rajungan adalah di antara jenis hewan yang paling banyak digemari dan disantap di restoran-restoran terkenal. Namun jangan terlena dengan penampilan fisik dan rasanya yang menggoda lidah Anda ini. Hal yang perlu juga Anda ketahui selain enaknya, tidak enaknya juga perlu Anda pelajari sebagai kewaspadaan Anda terhadap kesehatan tubuh Anda. Terlalu bersemangat dan bernafsu jangan lantas membabi buta (memangnya babi itu buta ya..main serudak-seruduk) dan lupa daratan (karena makan di tengah laut :) )

Segala sesuatu yang berlebihan memang tidak baik efeknya, tak terkecuali dengan makanan laut ini. Kelebihan makanan jenis ini selain akan menguras kantong Anda dalam waktu dekan (karena memang harganya lumayan mahal) juga nanti juga akan menguras kantong Anda untuk jangka panjang jika Anda keasikan makan tanpa batas. Kenapa.

Ini yang perlu diungkapkan faktanya, ternyata makanan yang tergolong seafood ini memiliki kandungan kadar kolesterol yang tinggi sekitar 150 hingga 160 mg / 10 gram. Ini terkandung dalam udang, kepiting dan kerang. Sementara cumi-cumi termasuk kategori makanan dengan kadar kolesterol tertinggi yaitu 1.170 mg / 10 gram.

Beberapa ahli berpendapat, kadar tersebut bisa diturunkan apabila penanganan (baca:cara masak) terhadap makanan tersebut berbeda, misalnya direbus, dibakar atau cara lain selain digoreng. " untuk diperhatikan, memasak seafood agar lemaknya tidak menjadi jahat, hindari proses penggorengan, .. masak sebagai soup, sapo atau di tim,

... hati2 juga ada beberapa jenis dengan kandungan purin tinggi sumber
asam urat spt kerang, cumi, udang, kepiting, rajungan." demikian saran dr. Dani judanto pada sebuah artikelnya.

Naahh… Jadi jika Anda tiba-tiba alergi karena setelah makan seafood timbul rasa gatal, bisa jadi kandungan kolesterol dalam tubuh Anda perlu dicheck ulang. Atau ternyata timbul rasa deg-degan selepas makan cumi goreng, kerang, kepiting rebus, itu mungkin efek dari setelah makan, karena bisa dipastikan kantong Anda tidak cukup buat membayar mahalnya harga seafood :) :) …Selamat makan dan hati-hati. (Adi)
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