Jumat, 16 November 2012

[LAST CHANCE] Profit Hacks is About to Close...

Hey Faisal

I hope you enjoyed all the free "Profit Hacks"
from Pete Williams this week.

Here are the highlights...

#1: The Original 60min Presentation that
led to a standing ovation and catapulted Pete onto
the world stage.

#2: The 5-Step Profit Hack Formula that
reveals how to structure your time so you can work
smarter NOT harder.

#3: The "How To Hack YOUR business" Webinar -
that reveals the "Matrix Hack", the "Clone Hack", the
"Celebrity Hack" AND 56 resources to hack your
business today. (Exclusive to the Samurai community)

Sadly all good things must come to an end...

Pete's closing the doors on his "Profit Hacks"
coaching program…TONIGHT!

This is your ABSOLUTE last chance to grab the Full
Profit Hack system (over 130 "hack" videos in all)
AND get personal access to Pete.

Here's the link one more time...

==> http://noblesamurai.com/c/ProfitHacks

Talk soon,


P.S. Profit Hacks closes at midnight TONIGHT (PST)
- that's just a few hours away, so grab it now while you still can.

You won't get another chance.



Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/I42QqSeM

Kamis, 15 November 2012

[Webinar Replay] How To "Hack" YOUR Business...

If you missed the "How To Hack YOUR Business" webinar
with Pete Williams, OR you couldn't stay for the whole session
- you can now Watch The Replay Here.

In this webinar Pete answered many of your BIG questions

  • What do I do if I'm just starting out and can't afford
     to employ a team?
  • I'm just dipping my toes into Internet
     marketing - where do I start?
  • How and where do I find a trustworthy, affordable VA?
  • What is the best way to create a social media following,
     and how do I do use it effectively?
  • What's the best way of increasing quality, targeted
     traffic to my website?
  • How do I create good quality content in a short amount
     of time?
  • And Many More...

PLUS, for the first time, Pete revealed...

#1 The "Matrix Hack": How to learn a new skill in a fraction of
the normal time (kinda like Neo learning kung fu in The Matrix)

#2 The "Clone Hack": How to get tasks done faster than ever
before AND make sure they get done exactly the way you want.

#3 The "Celebrity Hack": How to contact the "Big Players" in
your niche in a way that makes them open to helping you with
your business.

56 Tools for Hacking Your Business...

During the webinar, Pete and I also revealed the exact tools
and websites we use to "hack" our businesses everyday
(Watch the replay to see how we use these tools).

Here's the full list of resources we talked about:

As you can tell from this list, Pete pulled out all stops in this
webinar to deliver a bucketload of ideas you can use right now
to triple your income and work 90% LESS than you do today.

Here's the link to the replay again



P.S. I've uploaded the webinar replay in High Definition so
you can watch it Full Screen if the youtube video is too small :-)




Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/s2gHT3jo

Senin, 12 November 2012

This ONE IDEA made me 6.7 MILLION Dollars...

Hey Faisal

Not many people know this, but in my first six years
online, I started 26 different products but didn't finish
ANY of them.


Because I was trying to do everything myself - product
development, content creation, video production,
graphic design, marketing...

I was buried under an avalanche of "details" that made it
impossible for me to get my products finished.

The One Idea that changed everything for me was this:

Focus on the "Core" not the "Mechanics"

I learnt to focus my time on my core talents - the things I
LOVED doing, and got other people to do everything else
(the mechanics) - and this made all the difference.

The result?

I FINALLY got a product finished and out to market -
That product was Market Samurai, which has now made
over 6.7 million dollars.

And that's what I want for you too...

I want to help you break free of the shackles of your
online business, so you can focus on the things you love
doing, and get other people to do the mechanics.

So if you're a great 'starter', but a lousy 'finisher'
(like I was)...

Click here to discover how to focus on the core not the
mechanics, and make 2013 your most successful year ever.

Talk soon,


P.S. If I'd learnt this lesson sooner, I could have avoided
over 6 Years of frustration and failure. Don't make the same
mistake - Watch this video now.



Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: https://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/DF3a8lhK

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

[REPLAY] Highlights from Pete's "4 Hour Work Week" Challenge...

Hey Faisal

Did you get to attend Pete William's - 4 Hour Work
Week challenge?

(Over 2,800 were lucky enough to watch him LIVE!)

If you did, you already know Pete blew everyone
away by completing a week's worth of Internet
Marketing LIVE, ON CAMERA in just a few hours.

*** If you missed the Livestream event OR you
weren't able to stick around for the whole thing,
I've got great news...

The guys are making the full replay available for a
short time AND if you don't have 4 hours to spare,
there's also a condensed "Highlights Reel"...

Click Here to watch the "Highlights" video

Here's what impressed me most about
Thursday's livestream...

Pete managed to turn 25 minutes of work into
TWELVE pieces of high-quality valuable content.

He cranked out:

1. A blog post
2. A magazine article
3. A press release
4. A podcast
5. A YouTube video
6. A Facebook post
7. A Twitter post
8. A transcript
9. A Scribd article

Plus, 3 guest blog posts on 3 different blogs.

That's 12 pieces of content to drive traffic,
attract future customers and build your brand.

And it only took him 25 minutes of effort!

You really have to see this to believe it...

So if you missed Pete's livestream, I urge you
to pick up the "highlights" video right now.

Talk soon,

Noble Samurai

P.S. This is your last chance to watch some of
the best FREE business training you'll ever find.

To make sure you don't miss out again - grab it now.



Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/zdsknkc8

Kamis, 08 November 2012

[ON NOW] Watch Pete Williams Doing a ‘4 Hour Work Week’ LIVE...

Just a quick heads up...

RIGHT NOW, Pete Williams is doing a FREE Livestream Challenge to try and complete a full WEEK of Internet marketing in just a couple of hours...

It's kinda like "The 4 Hour Work Week" - ON STEROIDS!

Click here to join in the fun and watch Pete put his "business hacks" to the Ultimate Test...(there's no opt-in or anything - it's a direct link to the LIVE broadcast stream)

Last time Pete attempted such a feat he...

  • Recorded TWO podcast episodes... AND turned them into articles, blog posts, guest blog posts, transcripts, videos, and iTunes podcasts.
  • Created two "Q&A" videos (a killer way to create content)... these also became blog posts, videos, audios and transcripts that got syndicated all over the web.
  • Put out several press releases which he used to market his podcasts and get high-quality authority backlinks to his content.
  • And... here's the kicker... he went from absolutely SCRATCH... to creating a whole ENTIRE new product to sell in less than an HOUR...

You can join the blow-by-blow LIVE stream right now by clicking here.

NB: The entire Livestream Event will run for about 6 hours so I'm pretty sure they won't be able to record the whole thing.

If you can't attend the full event, it's well worth dropping in for an hour or two to see Pete in action.

Here's a few comments from Pete's last challenge:

"Honestly I have learned more here in the last few hours then on any free event ever before" — Thomas F.

"What used to take me hours of tedium now takes me seven minutes. Thanks guys." — Joseph R.

This is YOUR unique chance to watch over Pete's shoulder and grab a bunch of his best "hacks" to immediately improve your productivity and profits.

Talk Soon,


P.S. The Livestream Challenge is on RIGHT NOW, and you don't even have to opt in - so watch it LIVE here...




Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/b8Rt7Ioy

Rabu, 07 November 2012

[VIDEO] How To Create Products In Minutes NOT Months...

Hey Faisal,

Today I've got something REALLY special for you...

It's a video that reveals a secret "business hack" that allows you to create high quality products in Minutes rather than Months.

If you're still struggling to create your first product OR the thought of creating another product makes you want to stab yourself with a fork - then you NEED to watch this video.

It will SLASH hours, days, even MONTHS off the time it takes to get your next product to market.

And - It's FUN.

This "little-known" technique actually transforms the tedious, hard slog of creating products into a fun, enjoyable process.

So if you want to learn the secret to creating high quality products in Minutes rather than Months - drop what you're doing and watch this short video now.

Talk soon,


P.S. The time it takes to create products is one of the biggest obstacles to your online success. To discover this "power hack" for creating products FAST make sure you watch today's video while it's still available.

P.P.S. There's a little "surprise" at the end of the video... so make sure you watch it to the very end :-)



Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/4aocH17n

Senin, 05 November 2012

[VIDEO] How to Beat the Biggest Killer of Productivity and Profits...

Hey Faisal

Did you watch the video I sent you on Friday?

It revealed a simple "business hack" that can help you become a market leader in your niche in just 5 minutes a day. (If you missed it - you can check it out here)

This Market Leadership "hack" was such a HUGE HIT that we've got another one for you today!

Here's a few of the 130 comments from Friday's video:

"Wow! This must be the most important video I have watched all year! I can't believe I have never thought of it this way. Pete is such a visionary. I am definitely up for the webinar!" - Niel Roos

"Wow! That is bloody brilliant! I have been struggling with exactly this sort of thing and this is the perfect hack for my own enterprise. Thanks a lot!" - Johnny Diablo

"What great content! Not only was the "how to" an eye-opener, but the syndication process capped it…like the grand finale after the fireworks display on the 4th of July" - Donna Cicotte

The good news is I've managed to twist Pete's arm to reveal another powerful business shortcut.

In today's video, Pete reveals a surprising hack that will help you uncover an Extra "FREE" Hour Every Day To Grow Your Business Profits...

Watch Pete's jaw-dropping NEW business hack here.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you ever feel like you're being pulled in a 1000 different directions, and you struggle to find the time to do the "important" work in your business, you MUST watch this video.




Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/ppqjNTtW

Jumat, 02 November 2012

[VIDEO] This IS the Future of SEO…

Hey Faisal,

Over the last couple of weeks I've been thinking a lot about the recent changes that have shaken the SEO community - Penguin, EMD, Disavow…

In response to these changes, I've just written a blog post and included a short video that describes what I believe is going to be the future of SEO in 2013 and beyond.

Click Here to check out my BIG Prediction...

The video I've included will also help you to:

  • Become a leader in your market niche in just 5 minutes a day
  • Get your message out to more people than ever before
  • AND slash the time you spend on your business up to 90%

So check out the blog post and let me know what you think about my big prediction for the future of online business.

I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Talk soon,


P.S. The video I mentioned is taken from a 'behind closed doors' paid seminar put on by Ed Dale so we might not be able to leave it up on our blog for long. Click here to watch it now while you still can.




Level 1, 234 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, Melbourne, Victoria, 3134, Australia

To unsubscribe visit: http://lists.noblesamurai.com/u/uPQrj1AW